About Trust

Background and History of the organization

The disastrous cyclone in 1998 in coastal areas of Kachchh followed by the earthquake in 2001 devastated the areas in and around Luni village in Mundra block of Kachchh district. Given the plight of Luni and the surrounding villages, there was a need for interventions focussing upon improving the economic and educational backwardness and ensure that the future generations are educated and are able to actively participate towards bringing the change they want for themselves. To combat such situations with unity and collective efforts Rabbani Education and Charitable Trust was founded. It is outcome of association of young and committed youth inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. The group informally involved with society and found that condition of Rural and Urban Dalit, Minorities, deprived section like farmers, unemployed youth, illiterate, labors and destitute women & children, is very poor.

Hazrat Qibla Baba Saheb (President, Darul Uloom Faiz Akbari) had the noble and beautiful idea that a trust is needed for education, health, sports, environment, natural calamities and social welfare in the social sphere. Taking this situation into account the group of people started working with these communities in the year 1998. In 2001 under the able leadership of social activist Mr. Najaruddin Amibhai Mathakiya and guidance of Al Khalko Ayalullah wa Man Ahab Illallahi f Ahseen Ayalehi (Hadith Sharif), the Rabbani Education and Charitable Trust was formally registered on 18th August with the intention to institutionalize the efforts in the field of holistic social development.

The long term vision of the founders to bring rural and urban minorities into the mainstream of the society through promoting people centered approach of development has been the guiding force behind the interventions of RECT.