Healthcare Activities


No disease has ever ended the life. The way aids does. HIV has become the
biggest challenge before the mankind. As because it is an infectious disease.
The danger that it poses is immense. The only way to escape AIDS is to be
aware of all the ways in which AIDS can take place. A camp was organized by
the society at block of district to educate the time of taking injections blood
etc. Beside this the experts also taken generally, to remain safe from cancer
.The awareness campaign against included road shows and small meeting in
the villages.


An awareness generation programme aimed at making women aware about their health needs and nutrition was organized by the society. This programme was organized by the rural women in large number and it was felt by the attendant that kind of programmers was organized are very useful in the villages where women were awareness about their health need at a very low cost Further they informed about various kinds of schemes formed and executed .The women particular in the programme were informed about need for education and agreed to send their children particularly the girl child to school Further it was resolved that the society will Further organize similar programmer in the near future.


No disease has ever ended the life. The way aids does. HIV has become the biggest challenge before the mankind. As because it is an infectious disease. The danger that it poses is immense. The only way to escape AIDS is to be aware of all the ways in which AIDS can take place. A camp was organized by the society at block of district to educate the time of taking injections blood
etc. Beside this the experts also taken generally, to remain safe from cancer .The awareness campaign against included road shows and small meeting in the villages.


Drinking water, sanitation & hygiene awareness programme was organized by the society the main aim of the society is to provide pure and clear water. So the wells, tube wells & ponds were cleared by the help of the members of the society. The members of the society aware the public about water, which they use and society also has been very active in the field of raising awareness about
good sanitation facilities in the slum area. Lack of good sanitation is curse of the majority of the urban population. Disproportionately increasing. Population has made situation more badly. All the efforts made by the civic come forward and help the civic authorities in providing sanitation facilities to more and more people.


The population of our country surpassed 100 cores. This over population eats into all the development process. Lack of resources Food job health care facilities, school and thousands of problems owe their origins to this overpopulation the awareness about the benefits of having a very small family is still very low in our country particularly in the areas of the eastern Uttar Pradesh
where the population density is disproportionately high. Considering very high level of reluctance on part of the villagers to adopt the family planning methods the population explosion has taken place-causing deterioration in the family available sources like food Education, Housing Employment opportunities etc. A camp was organized by the growth in the population. At the end of the camp
condoms and contraceptive pills were distributed among villagers.


Despite of so many claims made by the government authorities it is true that has been possible to eradicate polio from the country. Considering the responsibility the society organized camp of polio from the country vacations & drop of medicines in block of district. On this occasion a large number of children were vaccinated by the volunteers of the society.